
Dear Visitor,

Students often ask why they have to study history.  That prompts a discussion of the concept that “history repeats itself” and it is important for citizens to be informed so that we can learn from that history and prevent future mistakes.  Quite often students reply that, as a single individual, they can do nothing to influence events.  In return they may be told of the historic importance of a single person, such as Senator Edmund Ross, whose vote was the deciding factor in the failure of an impeachment conviction against President Andrew Johnson.  It takes students about five seconds to realize that they will probably never be senators, much less participate in impeachment proceedings for an American president.

Yet, there are many examples of people who make a difference every day.  On this Memorial Day, we want to pay tribute to the men and women who chose to make a difference through their service to our nation by sharing their stories with you.  The links on the left will connect to a biographical sketch that was the product of an interview conducted by students at Kanesville Alternative Learning Center.  We hope that these stories will lead you, not only to honor those who serve, but compel you to become a more involved and active citizen.

The Students and Staff of Kanesville Alternative Learning Center

Staff Supervisors:
Brooke Bunten                            Jolene Edmonds
English                                        Social Studies
[email protected]                    [email protected]

    Please, sign our guest book before you leave.